Peaty's LinkLube Premium All Weather Chain Lube

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Introducing Peaty's LinkLube Premium All-Weather – engineered for your Longest Rides! Say goodbye to weather worries and hello to top-tier chain lubrication and care in all conditions. LinkLube Premium takes Peaty's beloved All-Weather formula and kicks it up a notch with and advanced formula which employs cutting-edge science to elevate your cycling experience. Just like the standard All-Weather lube, LinkLube Premium dives deep into your chain, banishing moisture, grit, and grime, but then it goes further! LinkLube Premium boasts a milky-white blend of high-grade oils, waxes, and non-toxic nano-particles, ensuring a long-lasting protective shield for your chain.

All-Weather Premium has been tested over thousands of miles and developed over the last couple of years by the Peaty's motley crew of riders and product testers. Over these miles of real-world testing, they have found that on average it lasted 30% longer in the same conditions than standard All-Weather LinkLube.

Through the first wave of lockdown, Paralympic gold medalist Steve Bate was using the latest formulation back to back comparing it to the standard LinkLube All-Weather.
During his epic 1,000 mile turbo trainer ride over ten days, the results showed that All Weather Premium lasted a massive 500 miles before wearing out. In comparison, LinkLube All-Weather standard lasted 380 miles in the same controlled conditions showing a 31.5% increase in durability.


  • Cleaner, Smoother, Quieter & 30% Longer Lasting

  • Designed For The Longest Rides In Mixed Conditions

  • Mint Scent Matches The Much Loved All Weather Standard Lube

  • Clear Tip To The Applicator Cap So Lubricant Can Be Seen Filling The Chamber Just Before It Drips Out